aseEnglish Language Education and Research Communication for Business and Economics

Comunicare în limba engleză pentru predare şi cercetare economică


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Initiated in 2006, Research and Teacher Education for Business & Economics (EDU-RES) is the first of its kind in the Romanian academic context and has been awarded the European Language Label 2011 for innovation and creativity in education.

This interdisciplinary master programme in English promotes professional development, with a focus on

·    English for communication in academic and professional settings

·    critical and creative thinking

·     research methodology and publication of research outcomes

·        new methodological approaches to teaching, learning and evaluation

·        project design and quality management.

As a forum for cross-disciplinary networking, it encourages cooperation among programme-participants and alumni, and facilitates the transfer of international expertise, in a positive atmosphere, capitalising on everybody's strengths.

A highly qualified, interdisciplinary team of teachers, with international expertise, stimulate creativity and skills improvement through a variety of methods, including a practice-oriented approach, personalised feedback and attention paid to individual development plans. The programme builds on cooperation with prestigious organisations and personalities (in-country and abroad), and opens up opportunities for involvement in national and international projects.