aseEnglish Language Education and Research Communication for Business and Economics

Comunicare în limba engleză pentru predare şi cercetare economică


Learning Environment


The programme sets out to support learning and skills development through a variety of methods. Input comes both from course leaders and the participants, as a basis for group work and exploratory activities. A high level of discussion and interaction – both inside and outside the classroom – is a vital element of the programme.

Themes, ideas and issues arising from one module are often related to other modules or may provide the basis for practice-oriented research, thus helping you to gain an integrated understanding of complex issues and a well-rounded experience.

Evaluation of progress is carried out in various forms (e.g. analysis of individual work, evaluation of group assignments and presentations, followed by personalised/group feedback). This is complemented by self-evaluation and peer-review, to illustrate student-centred approaches and to provide inspiration for the participants' own assessment practice.

Learning groups and project work

The programme facilitates the sharing of ideas and professional expertise. Learning groups are a central element of the programme. They are used to support and encourage your learning, at an individual and a group level.

Interdisciplinary project work is encouraged, as well as experiential learning, piloting new approaches, consulting and cooperating with peers and course tutors in a variety of forms.

Self-evaluation and reflective practice

This approach includes:

·        reflection on one's own academic/professional context and activity, with a focus on skills improvement and prioritising self-development objectives

·        self-assessment of communication skills, on the basis of the Council of Europe Scale of Reference Levels and the European Language Portfolio, both in relation to one's own targets and in relation to programme requirements (as this is an English-medium programme)

·        reflection on institutional processes through team-exercises, aimed at improving evaluative competencies

·        interdisciplinary project work and assignments, encouraging reflective practice

·        observation of processes, including class observation and peer-review, a.s.o.

Reading weeks

Reading weeks are set aside each term to allow you extra time for autonomous study, to explore topics in more detail and identify new areas of interest. They also provide you with opportunity to organise e.g. mutual class observation or group meetings on specific themes. These may involve also MA alumni and/or other departmental staff.

Autonomous study. Selecting your own topics to explore

We provide reading lists and a selection of background reading as a starting point for exploration, and we count on your experience of managing your self-study, making use of various resources, both print-based and online. The programme offers you the flexibility to tailor your assignments to your own professional background and research interests.